I am an installation artist and educator. In addition to teaching in universities, art schools and museums, I work one-on-one with college-bound students to help them get into their first-choice art school or college. My students get into top tier art schools across the US.

Looking to apply to Art School?

Over the last 8 years my expertise in art portfolio preparation has helped my students gain admission into top-tier art schools including RISD, CalArts, SVA and Parsons The Newschool.

Students I have worked with have been admitted to—and have attended—their first-choice schools.

I work individually with students to craft a program that meets their learning needs. For college-bound students, the program is tailored to make them a desirable candidate for art school admission.

Work With Me

Students come to me with a broad range of abilities. I work individually with each student to craft a college application package that makes them a desirable candidate for art school admission. Using the generalized art skills students have learned in High School as a starting point, I help them hone in on their interests and further develop their technical skills to create a cohesive and legible art portfolio—one that will gain them access to the school of their choice, and enter into the next important phase of their life.

Ready to head to Art School?

Working with me 1-on-1 over the course of 3 or more weeks, students will work to meet necessary markers showing breadth in their portfolio, demonstrate their depth of skill, delve into a subject or process in-depth, document their work, and write a coherent artist’s statement.

My students get into top tier art schools across the US.

There are multiple ways of working with me:

  • 12 sessions over 12 weeks: working at a steady pace. For the student applying to school at least 3 months away.

  • 10 sessions over 6 weeks: meet for 10 one-hour sessions. For the student who has strong artwork/strong technical skills.

  • 6 sessions over 3 weeks: Quick and intensive preparation. For the student who has an established portfolio.

  • Custom package: tailor-made scheduling to meet the individual student’s needs.


Art School and College applications are due November 1 2023 for Early Decision! Regular Decision deadlines are January-February 1 2023!

I have capacity for students now, please use the form below to set up a phonecall and virtual meeting!