
Sonya Blesofsky is an installation artist based in Brooklyn New York.  Her site-responsive work considers the unfixed nature of cities and the cyclical layering of history. Blesofsky’s work addresses issues pertaining to urban development, such as the fragility of communities and lost histories, and uses these issues as metaphors for memory, transition and loss. Through each architectural installation, Blesofsky intends to highlight traces of the past as a way to memorialize what came before, frame the present, and inform the future.

Blesofsky received her MFA from the San Francisco Art Institute and BA from UC Santa Cruz. She has received numerous residencies and fellowships, including at Urban Glass, the Museum of Arts and Design, California Legion of Honor, Smack Mellon, Vermont Studio Center, Iaspis Konstnarsnamden, and MacDowell Colony.  Blesofsky’s work has been shown at galleries throughout New York and the United States. Blesofsky’s work has been reviewed in The Village Voice, San Francisco Chronicle, New York Times, The Brooklyn Rail and ArtForum.  Blesofsky was recently awarded a Fellowship from the New York Foundation for the Arts. Blesofsky currently teaches sculpture at Purchase College, The Jewish Museum, and Parsons The Newschool, and works with private students.

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